Scripture Reference: Romans 12:1-2

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.


In the early 1980s, there was a toy named “Transformers”. One of my nephews desired nothing but a transformer for Christmas. Back then, I was unaware of all the figures this toy could be manipulated to become. He would sit for hours creating every imaginable object. As I reminesce I realize that it is God’s desire for us to be transformed. As always, He gives us an instruction packet. Let’s read His word and follow directions.


Paul emphasizes the importance of the steps to transformation by admonishing us to be living sacrifices. Before Jesus offered Himself as the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world, priests offered animals as sacrifices. Blood was necessary to cleanse sin, so animals had to be killed and their blood was poured out in atonement for sins. Several doves, rams, and lambs suffered that fate. As they approached the slaughter, can’t we just hear the resulting cries as they smelled their death? They became dead sacrifices.


Jesus, as He went through the pangs of death asked the Father whether there was an alternative. However, He did God’s will by remaining on the cross. Can we imagine the ridicule of the crowd, had Jesus chosen to forsake the cross and save His skin?


The transformation of Jesus was accomplished when He became man and lived with Mary and Joseph. He sacrificed the beauty, peace, and joy of constant serenity in Heaven. Not counting the cost, and keeping us in mind, propelled Him to complete the perfect will of God. He was completely poured out.


Paul reminds us that we must follow suit, by renewing our mind. Self says, “Do as you please. The journey is too great. Nothing is working in your favor.” The spirit says, “Walk in faith. Be strong in the Lord’s power. All things are working together for your good.” As we fluctuate between offering the sacrifice of praise and deciding that our circumstances are unreasonable, the Enemy has a field day with our mind.


It is because of God’s mercies that we are not consumed. The animals that were offered had to be consumed in order that their purpose would be profitable. God’s mercies render the giving of ourselves, harmless. The world, if we are transformed cannot swallow us, because although we may be poured out, through it all we are being preserved.


We must each make the determination to present our bodies. Inasmuch as we love each other, the presentation of our bodies as living sacrifices, must be done individually. What makes us acceptable to God? A conscious decision to live righteously even if we go against the grain of society makes us acceptable.


To be transformed is simply to be changed ; to consciously choose to do right when that’s not popular; to switch paths; to be controlled by a different mind-set; to have a new locus of control. Transformation is possible, otherwise we would not be encouraged to do so. We are not left hanging between two opinions. Interestingly, we are given directions as to how to arrive at a transformed life. The mind must be renewed. (Philippians 4:8; Philippians 2:5-8; I Corinthians 2:10-12).


We have seen the accomplishments of great minds, but we have also witnessed the results of useless minds. If we are determined to be an asset, then our goal should be to realize God’s perfect multi-faceted will which is good, acceptable and perfect. Can I believe that? Should I?


Our good intentions have sometimes been misunderstood. We may wish to reside in the City of Regrets, but we can go through a process of metamorphosis and believe the slogan of the 1970’s United Negro College Fund: A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Since our Heavenly Father plans our steps, we can quote II Corinthians 5:17. What does that mean? It means that I recognize that whatever I do as life happens, it should please God. Unless we memorize the scriptures, our weapons are dull, dormant, and defective.


The Word is that which renews our mind. All things are of Him, through Him and by Him, so we must consciously decide to stay the course and become acceptable to God. How will it feel to receive an unacceptable rating by God? Varied emotions present themselves, BUT when we please the Creator, it is He who works all things together.


The fact that we are told to be transformed denotes that we are conformed; adapted; adjusted; comfortable to the happy-go-lucky ways of unrighteousness. That life leads to everything that is contrary to God’s perfect will. Without a transformed mind we lack both proof and evidence of a committed relationship with God.


It is not our prerogative to dictate to God. We are being admonished to be transformed with the resulting good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Since God is to be worshipped in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) it takes a transformed mind to accept His plan.


The eyes and ears are channels of the mind, heart and soul. Therefore, they must be protected from impurities. If we contaminate our mind, the renewal process has to be mobilized. To please God is our duty, but we are dependent on the avenues of transformation: integrity and decisiveness. Integrity: shun the very appearance of evil…Decisiveness: stability. If God is God, serve Him. Acknowledge the calling and persevere. (Philippians 3:14). What’s in it for us? God’s perfect will!


Like Jonah, God may allow us to choose our own wayward, disobedient path (Jonah 1:2). Until Jonah’s mind was transformed he could not experience God’s acceptable will. He had to be poured out in every sense of the word. When he surrendered, God’s purpose was manifested. Jonah might have thought that God’s plan conformed to his because of the following steps: He had enough money to pay his fare to Tarshish; found accommodation on the ship; was so contented, he slept like a baby; attested to his faith in God; his request was granted to be thrown into the sea; heard the sailors praying, vowing and offering a sacrifice to the Lord. All these could have been misinterpreted for God’s perfect will. When he felt utterly poured out, we see that in humility, Jonah repented and cried earnestly to God. This resulted in obedience, reconciliation and salvation for the Ninevites. That’s when Jonah proved the acceptable and perfect will of God.


Life may take us on a path that pours us out and camouflages God’s plan. Delve into the scriptures (Psalm 119:11) and, plunge forward into a transformed heart, attitude and focus. Make God’s heart rejoice at our reasonable service.


Dr. O. A. James



What are some actions of a renewed mind?