PIERCE THE DARKNESS                         May 2019


REFERENCES: John 1: 1-9 & Ephesians 6: 11,12


John 1:1-9 (NKJV)


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe. He was not that Light but was sent to bear witness of that Light. that was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.



Ephesians 6:11-12 (NKJV)

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,…


In the beginning, (Genesis 1:1,2) the world was without form, and darkness was everywhere. Even now, sometimes we feel as if we are stuck at the beginning, because darkness seems to be all around, but Jesus is standing somewhere in the shadows. He wants us to recognize and acknowledge His existence.


This WORD (Jesus) has always existed with God. Nothing was made without Him, not even mankind. He formed us from dust and a rib. We can clone all we want to, but it takes God to breathe life. John 1:4 says, “In Him was life and the life was the light of men”. Therefore, without Jesus we are in total darkness. It takes Him to manifest light. How can we say we are walking in the light if our life is outside of Him? Colossians 3:3 states that true life/living is IN Christ. When we crucify the flesh (completely allow the Spirit to lead us), our eternal soul is hidden/sheltered /enveloped in Christ.


We also know that if we are to function effectively at night, we must first eliminate fear and penetrate the darkness. Fear will inhibit us from making progress and cause our imaginations to take wings and destine us for dangerous places. Fear makes us retreat and helps the enemy to pursue us, get the upper hand, capture us and, make an example of us. Light is the answer to dispelling the darkness of fear.


Another darkness that we experience is the feeling of, “Others CAN, but I CAN’T”. That diminishes the Word of God in Philippians 4:12,13. In whatever situation we should find ourselves, the Light gives us the ability to see His purpose, if we look for it. We may not see it readily, but IN Him there is no darkness. We must remain in His Kingdom and not empower words that open the door to the kingdom of darkness.


In the Army, special equipment with cameras that feed goggles, are connected to the soldier’s weapon. The lieutenant or sergeant decides who uses these assault weapons. That person becomes the Designated Marksman to hit targets from longer distances, because he is skilled in using projectile weapons. With enhanced vision that pierces the darkness, he can hit high-valued targets.


The adversary of our soul views us as high-valued targets and attacks us from any vantage point, but 2 Corinthians 10: 4 tells us that our weapons are mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. Our resulting enhanced vision penetrates the darkness, but if our goggles are not worn, they are deemed ineffective. As soldiers in God’s army, we then can find ourselves in the enemy’s territory, unexpectedly. Why? We did not use the tool, our map, the Bible, that has been provided against the rulers of darkness. Its use will help us navigate our way through the dark places in life. It gives us vision/insights as to how to avoid distractions from the enemy and be thankful that God orders our steps.


At nights when we look out across the skyline, light captures our attention. It may be either natural or artificial light, but we are all attracted to it. The light that Jesus wants us to show, is the real deal. It must be constant (always evident) and cast no shadows of doubt or insecurity. Those will allow a loophole for darkness to dim our light and create an entryway, for the enemy.


What do we know about the night?

  • It produces a feeling of slumber.

  • Objects are not readily visible.

  • Wrongdoers tend to be bolder.

  • There is a lull over nature.

  • Its duration varies in different regions.


The darkness MUST succumb to the Light; therefore, His light should be evident in what we say and do, whenever we are experiencing darkness. Jesus, the Light of the World, desires us to shine like a beacon on a hill. Isn’t that the reason that the cross was hoisted? Both those present at the crucifixion and even as many as the Lord calls, were/are drawn to Him.


We pierce the darkness by acknowledging that, “…He knows the way….” (Job 23:10); following His lead as the Alpha and Omega who directs the in-between path; allowing Him to lead; Googling for directions; and listening to the voice of the Commander in Chief. Holy Spirit instructs us, and sometimes He may just want us to be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). He expects us to quit worrying; not to be agitated; and to relax and know. Know what? He is God and He WILL be exalted when we praise Him.


When we experience dark situations, as in Job 14:1, it is time to advance, not time to retreat. Advance with the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. What is the Word? It is life and health (Proverbs 4:20-22); a lamp and light (Psalm 119:105); creative (Genesis 1:3); a fire and a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29); a sword (Ephesians 6:17); and a mirror (James 1: 23-24). What else do we know? The Word of God (Hebrews 4:12, 13) is quick and powerful.


Forces constantly target us, and scheme to see if we have let our guard down. We must be on the alert with resistive powers. One such combatant power is the word of our testimony (Revelation 12: 11). What does our life testify? Is it in alignment with the Scriptures? Is regeneration obvious? It is accomplished when we resist the temptation to place ourselves on a pedestal and behave as though we know what is best for us.


Face the darkness, head-on. We have the weapon of mass destruction. It is not inhibited by time nor space. It is mighty through God to destroy/render powerless anything from the darkness. Take note that when we allow our Leader to be at the battlefront, all we are required to do is STAND. Yet, we are not motionless unless He gives the command to be at ease. We stand waving, not a white flag of surrender, but the blood-stained banner of victory.


As Kingdom builders, we must guard the territory that God has given us. First, our heart (inner-most being), because it directs our speech and actions. Then, our mind, where the battle rages. Our mind can either be a gym for the enemy or a spa for renewal and transformation.


When some of Jesus’ followers were overcome by fear, they returned to the darkness of the way of the world. Jesus told the twelve that remained, that His Word was spirit and life (John 6:63). Can the spirit of the word be quenched? The answer depends on how the Word is received.


Since we are at HIS service, our stance should be, to be fully armed and be in obedience to His command. When we hear Holy Spirit say, “Attention! Forward March! Present Arms! Mark Time! is our response, “Sir, Yes, Sir!”?


Can we hear the screams for help, coming from the pit of darkness? A deaf ear of disengagement cannot be our persuasion. We must let our prayers electrify the atmosphere and explode at the throne of grace. PIERECE  THE DARKNESS!


Dr. O.A. James




What actions can we take in order to pierce the darkness?