THE BLESSED ONE                                               July 2024

THE BLESSED ONE                                               July 2024

Scripture References: Psalm 1:1-6 and John 15:7-11

Psalm 1:1-6

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, n or sits in the seat of the scornful;But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night.He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

John 15:7-11

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples. “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. 11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

“ God bless you.” “ I am blessed.” “ What a blessing!” These are expressions that are vocalized frequently. Everyone likes to hear them and most importantly, we echo them. Let us take a moment to decipher what a blessing entails. It is often envisioned as a smooth, joyous path, free of obstacles and bruises. Contrary to that thought, is the fact that life is synonymous with troubles, ( a necessary evil [Job 14: 1]).

When we consider Mary, the mother of Jesus ( Luke 1:28-29); Jacob (Genesis 27: 26-29); and Abram (Genesis 12:1-2), they are each known as recipients of a blessing. So what does it mean to be blessed? – Consecrated; favored by God; happy; privileged. It sounds great and Psalm 1 characterizes one who is blessed.

We are continuously being fed information via the media, people’s voices, and/ our own inner thoughts. However, we make decisions based on the value we place on the information we receive.  It seems that more often that not, we gravitate to the voice that speaks loudest. We are given guidelines by our divine GPS, the Bible, but it is up to us whether we see its directives as the loudest voice.

Firstly, the blessed person walks in godly council. What makes for godly council? Not all advice is from the godly, therefore when we need wisdom, God is our source, ( James 1:5). At times, this may be difficult to receive especially when we try to figure out God’s intent. What seems foolish to us is actually what God uses to supercede our wisdom, (1 Corinthians 1: 27-31). Do the following things make sense: It is more blessed to give than to receive; Feed your hungry enemy; It is in giving that we receive; Be happy when you are persecuted? To the blessed man, they do make sense.

David begins with a hope-filled word blessed. In these dark days where negativity seems rampant, one’s spirit is certainly boosted to learn that blessings are an available part of the believers’ heritage. It is up to us to cash – in on them.

Psalm 1 compares the blessed man with the ungodly. However, the purpose of this study is to focus on the godly. His posture is important. His walk, stand and his seat are described. A toddler walks wobbly, but later on their steps become more sure- footed. Similarly, when believers mature, they have a steadier gait. Young, inexperienced believers are then able to walk in our footsteps as they grow in grace.

In Job 23: 10, Job reconciled with the fact that God knew the way he took. Can we trust God to lead and provide grace for us to follow without questioning? If we would walk in the blessing, our desire should be to do the right thing. As sinners observe our actions, they should see devout examples that encourage them to seek blessings also. Our heart’s desire is to walk blamelessly, like a good soldier who endures hardship (2 Tim. 2:3).

Our attire as soldiers provide protection for our head [transformed mind]; chest [ breastplate and shield]; feet [peace]; support for our loins [belt of truth]; perseverance in prayer [personal focus]; our conviction [stand]. That uniform identifies us as blessed people. As recipients of the blessings, things that simply appear evil will be avoided. What makes questionable places so attractive? They glitter, but God’s law should be our yearning.

What do we know about God’s law? (Psalm 19:7-11) It is flawless, right, brings conversion, gives gladness and revelation, and is desirable and rewarding. The blessed man meditates on it constantly.

The term meditate may have a negative connotation to some. Yet, when we ponder and digest the sword of the Spirit, we are promised good success, ( Joshua 1:8). So, as we practice God’s commands they become as reflexive as breathing and our mindset undertakes a renewed perspective. Critics may say, “ You are always talking about God.” We have no choice, but to acknowledge Him in everything and to become doers of the Word. That is one of the birthmarks of the blessed man.  Then, we have hope, in a glimpse of who we shall become: like a tree planted by water. A desert reminds us of drought, sand, and barrenness. However, that does not describe the blessed man. He is productive, attractive, well-watered and prosperous.

If we envision a cotton field that is ready to be harvested, it looks white as far as the eyes can see. Similarly, people are hungry for the gospel and the clarion call is, “No one cares for my soul.” This great demand requires a vast supply of willing, dedicated people who will share the Good News. God has chosen us to water others since we are being watered, (Proverbs 11: 25).

Soil by a river is rich in nutrients. This is called transported soil and is extremely fertile. Farmers tend to get a double crop around rivers. Either a drip system or a rotating method can be used to supply water to plants. Hopefully, as believers, we choose the rotating, constant flow rather than an on-and-off encounter with our Living Water.

As our tap roots go deep into God’s Word, our souls are refreshed, thus causing us to thirst for righteousness. The deeper we go, the firmer is the anchor for our soul,   (emotion, will, intellect). The Holy Ghost, represented by rivers of water, empowers us to enlist in God’s mission.

Roots are also the transport system for trees. Therefore, they play a vital part in the life and quality of the tree’s production. A healthy tree displays such beauty, birds like to perch on its branches. It also provides shade, a home, and sometimes food. That is what the blessed man portrays: a sanctuary. Consider that his major role fosters the well-being of any society.

Fruits are seasonal. The blessed man experiences various seasons, however whatever he generates is never out-of –season. The appropriate fruit will be produced when needed. What fruits will be propagated? (prayer, hope, encouragement, confidence). His first priority is to do God’s will. Therefore, his actions will show growth in the process of God’s specialty.

The quantity of fruits is dependent on how much support they receive from the tree itself. Sometimes, our efforts may be unproductive if we depend on our own strength. The Word has the guidelines for us to manufacture fruit, but unless we navigate our way through Scriptures, the harvest will be limited.

Leaves, a symbol of health and beauty also convey the fact that they are connected to the branch. In John 15, we are reminded that in order to bear fruit, one needs the substance from the Source, God. We are required to live by the principles of Christ. As branches we display, support and sustain attractive leaves. Since water from the root is transported to the leaves, we also need the water of the Word.

The blessed man has the privilege of making requests according to God’s will. What a legacy! We become fruitful besides having a command of God’s supply at our fingertips. He promised that He will provide our needs in relation to His riches. We are yet to fathom God’s storehouse. The understanding of it comes through knowing God. Do we know God or do we have a knowledge of Him? (Job 42:5).

Knowing God causes us to resign ourselves to the path of life that He has designed for us. It is heart-warming to know that nothing surprises God. He knows the way and he calls us trees of righteousness, planted by Him, (Isaiah 61: 3). In comparison, farmers take great pride in their crops. They tend them until harvest time. God, our Farmer, plants us so that we can flourish in His court through prayer , worship, and community (Psalm 92:13). In His court system, He is Judge, Jury and Excecutioner.

In our being rooted and grounded in Christ our greatest desire is to approach Him boldly and walk as THE BLESSED ONE.

Dr. O.A. James


  1. What does it mean to be planted of the Lord?
  2. Discuss John 4:14.