WHATEVER HE SAYS-September 2024

WHATEVER HE SAYS – September 2024

Scripture Reference: John 2:1-11 (NKJV) On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. 3 And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” 4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. 7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. 9 When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. 10 And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.

Whether in the street, at home, at a school, at a park or a place of worship, we have all attended a celebratory event. People are gathered with the purpose of enjoyment in mind. Everyone is filled with excitement, bubbling over to take part.

Sometimes, people are so anxious to share their latest information, they may even try to monopolize the conversation. The reality is that several voices may all be engaged in diverse topics. Then, one is forced to choose one’s focus and/ or participation. We’ve all been there, wanting our voices to be heard.

In the first two Chapters of the Book of John, we have here a three-day account. On Day (1) John gave a brief biography of Jesus. He was preparing the people’s heart to meet Jesus. The news spread throughout the city, so much so that city officials took notice and inquired about John’s identity and his agenda.

On Day (2) John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, where a voice from Heaven announced His Divinity. After the Holy Spirit descended from Heaven and rested on Him in the form of a dove, curious people believed in Him and became followers. His company was so endearing that there were siblings among His followers.

On Day (3) Jesus and His disciples were invited guests at a wedding in Cana.

Interestingly, He used an everyday event to show a hint of His power, to a few servants. He had not yet performed any miracles. So far, He had only discerned and called His followers. With the kind of introduction by John, people gladly followed Jesus.

The following is John’s Biography of Jesus:
* He was the Word who was with God, and He was God. (Jn.1:1)
* He was Maker of all things (Jn. 1:3)
* In Him was life. (Jn. 1:4)
* He was Light in a dark world. (Jn. 1:9)
* The world did not recognize Him. (Jn 1 :10)
* He was rejected by the Jews. (Jn. 1 :11)
* He gave power to even those who believed in His name, so that they could be saved. (Jn. 1:12)
* He was the Incarnate Word. (Jn. 1:14)
* He is the Baptizer with the Holy Ghost. (Jn.1:33)
* He is the Son of God. (Jn. 1: 34)

So, here we are with Jesus and His disciples accepting an invitation to a wedding. Mary was already there. In the Jewish custom., the parents of the bride and groom were responsible to provide a lavish celebration. Next to the ring, was the abundance of quality wine to measure the prestige of the family. There would be major embarrassment if the event was not graced with a display of extravagance.

It might have been the wedding of one of Jesus’ relatives since His parent was notified about the need for wine. Mary, the mother of Jesus, knowing the potential of possible gossip in the community, proceeded to find a quick solution. Her Son was right there. What would people say about the family?

Where do we turn when we face an urgent situation? Do we consider God’s timing in our quest for an answer? What is our posture when He diverts us for a minute? How could lack persist in a place where Jesus was? So, Mary told Jesus.

In addressing His mother, the term “Woman” was synonymous with our saying, “Ma’am”. It was not a term of disrespect, as one may think at first glance. Jesus’ time had not yet come for Him to be Savior, so He was conveying to His mother that He needed to distance Himself for a moment.

When the angels announced His birth, soon afterwards, King Herod threatened His life. Then at twelve years old, we see Him in the Temple, astonishing doctors, lawyers, Pharisees and scribes. Now, as an adult, it was not for Him to save the day, but the time would come when they would see Him as Savior of humanity.

Had the Jews recognized His value, they would have wanted Him to assume the role as king and displace Roman rulership. His Kingdom was not an earthly one, but they did not know that. On this leg of His journey, He was only to be seen as the Lamb of God. His ultimate mission was that He would be the sacrifice for mankind’s sin.

John portrays Jesus as the Incarnate God; therefore, he recorded the common everyday happenings in life. At this wedding, Mary, like many mothers, disregarded what her son said, and in turn, addressed the servants. The heads-up that she gave the servants prepared them to listen for what Jesus would say, and then be obedient and follow through (do) with what Jesus would tell them to do. Too often we read His word, hear Him speak, but do not do what it says. (James 1:22-25).

The Jewish ritual for the cleansing of the hands or feet was accommodated by having water pots or basins and water. The pots at this house were empty, so they were available to be used for the miracle. May God help us to empty ourselves of whatever would hinder His work in us.

The servants listened, obeyed and then saw results. They could have poured a little water instead of filling the pots to the brim. They could have reasoned that the guests were already there, so the pots could be filled, later. So, they didn’t need more water then, but what they needed was wine. They could have devised their own plan to fill only some of the jars instead of all six.

At what point did the approximately thirty-five gallons of water in each jar become wine? Was it when it was poured in or out? Was it while they were taking it to the Master of Ceremonies (MC)? We do not know, but the ruler of that house tasted it and was amazed at the texture.

Can we imagine the thoughts and expressions then? Only because they did what Jesus said, the servants experienced a miracle, and they played a part. They became the bearers of a miracle. What miracle may be in our hands or mouth?

In executing their job, that of servanthood, simply earning a livelihood, they became vessels for Jesus’ use. We may never know the impact our lives can make on others. If we do whatever HE says.

In this story, several people had something to say: Mary (vv. 3 and 5), Jesus (vv. 4, 7, 8), and the MC (vv. 9 and 10). Let us examine them.

Mary’s words opened the door to the possibility of a miracle. Although it may seem that Jesus was resisting Mary’s information, we know that Jesus already knew what was happening and how the situation would be solved. How did Mary know that Jesus would care that there was no wine?

How did Mary know that the servants would be told to do something? Could Jesus not make something happen by speaking it into existence? He did that on successive occasions. We do not know by what method God will solve our problems.

When the MC was served, he also spoke. He had questions for the groom about the quality of the wine. He had attended other weddings before and had a palate for fine wine. So, he could
distinguish between mediocre and exotic wine. The groom said nothing. I guess he was embellishing the moment as he swirled the fancy wine around in his mouth.

Jesus also said some things. He said it was a bit premature for His power and glory to be revealed. Mary did not take “No”, for an answer. She knew that her son had a plan. Instead, she instructed the servants to implement Jesus’s directive (Luke 18: 1-9).

Jesus told the servants to fill the water pots. In so doing, He had them prepare the things that would be used to enable the miracle. He wants to use our heart. How will we prepare? The servants prepared water. We too, must water our heart by using the Word of God, The Scriptures.

That is where we find the promises He has left us. The conditional ones are those that require our participation, just like the servants’. If we would see God’s hand at work, His voice must speak the loudest of all the voices we hear. We have the power to obey Him. What if the servants had done it their way?

The news, people, our thoughts, our words, our actions, bombard our lives with voices. As impressive as they may be, we can choose to listen and respond to any of those that drown God’s voice, OR we can let whatever HE says, have preeminence.


Discuss, “Nevertheless, at Thy word…” (Luke 5:5)

Dr. O.A. James