Meet Ouida Sutherland

 ouida bio picOuida Sutherland resides with her husband in Gainesville, Florida.  She has three adult children – two sons and a daughter. At age fourteen, while still mulling over some “serious” atheistic theories, her father, a pastor, sang the only solo she had ever heard him sing.  That song convinced her of the love of God and caused her to yield to His loving plea.  There were many attempted derailments but the heavenly Father in mercy, snatched her from the paws of the enemy. She is eternally grateful.

By profession, she is an educator (now retired) with over 30 years’ experience in teaching both English and Spanish. She is passionate about missions, evangelism and promoting self-esteem in young people. She is also an advocate for health and wellness, the pursuit of holiness and spiritual growth through a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Her ministry is that of a prayer warrior and motivator, who dedicates her time through conference calls and one-on-one encounters, Christian education at the church she attends, and singing with the worship team. Her studies include Life Coaching, a Ministerial Preparation Program (MPP), and other professional training up to the Master’s level. 

Although she has served as Bible teacher, missions coordinator and small group leader, here and abroad, one of her dreams is to establish a home/organization for hurting young people, particularly girls. She aspires to publish books and expand an online ministry. 

Isaiah 40: 21-31, Jeremiah 33: 3 & 8-12, and John 14:12-18 are among her favorite scriptures. The Word of God is most definitely her inspiration!