Run with the Flame- April 2020

Run with the Flame     April 2020




Reference Matthew 25:1-13(NKJV)

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. 11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.




Matthew 5:14-16(NKJV)

14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.





Let’s go to the set-apart good room. For some reason we are a bit apprehensive about using any of the special utensils there. Suddenly, we decide against reason, and pick up one of the forbidden vessels. Who is visiting? No one, but we commune with our thoughts and conclude that we are just as important as any guest who may visit.




Now, we are pouring whatever we choose. We take a seat and begin to sip. Somehow, it tastes so much better than when we drink from an everyday, run -of-the mill vessel. We begin to feel special, maybe even elegantly important. We’ve broken the unspoken rule, but it doesn’t really matter. The elation was worth it. God has called us to be His set-apart vessels. He desires to deposit so much into us, but we must present our availability to Him.




In Matthew 25: 1-8, we read of ten virgins. As such, they had undergone the necessary preparation and were deemed pure and ready for their awaited groom. A part of the process was the securing of oil for their lamp. One of the steps that God has given us in the process is that we occupy until He comes. (Luke 19: 13). In occupying, we are to be productive while we wait for His return. When we think of productivity, we equate that with demand and supply. The gospel is in such demand as never before seen. Believers possess the supply. Will it be hoarded or are we ready to let someone know that Jesus cares and they must come to Him by way of the cross? He is preparing a place for us. The good thing is that, that place has enough room for the whosoever. (Mark 8: 34-38)




The wise virgins were relaxed because they had done everything that was required for them to meet the bridegroom. Their lamp wick was trimmed, the lamp was filled with oil and they also had some oil in reserve. They might have even explained to the merchants why they were buying extra oil. They did not know exactly when the bridegroom would come, but He had given them a promise.(I Thessalonians 4:16-18)




We also, do not know when Time, as we know it, will change to Eternity. God is scanning the set-apart people to see if we, as vessels, are available for His use. · We, as lamps, have a flame. Sometimes, discouragement, disappointment, strongholds and powers of darkness, may cause the flame to flicker. How do we guard against it’s going out? Let’s look at 2 Timothy 1: 3-9.




  • Pray for others.

  • Be filled with joy.

  • Focus on faith.

  • Use our God-given gift.

  • Be bold for Christ.

  • Be willing to suffer for the gospel.

  • Live a holy life.

  • Recognize God’s grace for our purpose.



Our supply of oil, the Holy Spirit, enables us to perk up and keep the flame going. There are witnesses (onlookers) who are, not only trying to follow our flame, but also observing how it is preserved.(Hebrews 12:1)




In Matthew 5: 14, the believers are described as the light of the world. Jesus took his disciples apart and among other things, He told them that they are the light of the world. So then, their responsibility was to allow Him to shine through them. When is light necessary?




Light dispels darkness. One of the things that obscures The Light from the world, is immorality. Some legal, permissible things have sunken the world in such a dismal state, that we have hit rock bottom. God is counting on believers to wrestle in the spirit against spiritual wickedness that is rampant across the globe. Light is needed, in order to illuminate any dark area, so that a clear path can be visible. In Proverbs 14:34, we are told that sin causes darkness and Proverbs 4:14-19 admonishes us to walk righteously, as shining lights. Lights are not obscure; therefore, we are visible everywhere.




The world observes our beams, radiation, and rotation. When we look up and see the natural lights, we not just see their beauty but are amazed at their function. Unbelievers may wonder how we can continue to shine in a chaotic world. Because the bridegroom will keep His word, we take a stance amid the darkness in the society. Are we of such prominence (a city on a hill), that mankind takes note of our resolve and desires to glorify God? The Source of our light must be apparent via our actions, and cause those who are bent towards evil, to realize that indeed there is a Supreme Being.




The quality of the brilliance we emit, is dependent on the fervency and depth of our relationship with our Power Source. A blackout causes fear, chaos, a disruption of normalcy, and calls for the use of alternate sources for light. The world at large, expects the believer to be on that hill, producing light always. How can we fail our Commander and cause dimness instead?




What is the value of our testimony for Christ? If our resolve to activate faith, begins to wane, it may be an indication that we need to tend to the flame. Trim the lamp wick with prayer and fasting. That’s the only thing that some situations respond to. Each of us must replenish, refurbish and guard our own flame. The wise virgins reminded the foolish ones of this policy.




Jesus promised to send the Power when He was about to ascend (Acts 2: 4-8). When someone gives us their dying words, we pay attention, hold them dear to our hearts, place much importance on them and share them as necessary. The promise of the Holy Ghost was not Jesus’ dying words, but rather, His living last words. The Holy Ghost would impart the power that was necessary for the disciples to become effective witnesses.




On believing the promise, the disciples assembled and continued to pray with supplication and oneness of purpose. The Light of the World was taken from their sight, so they were commanded to be the light they possessed, as a result of their association with the true Light (Show me your company and I will tell who you are). These lights were unable to shine brightly before they received the promise.




It is little wonder that the power was represented “like as of fire” (Acts 2:3). The disciples believed the Promise, Jesus, acted on His word, heard the change in the atmosphere, then they saw. Is this a progression that we can emulate? When we believe to receive from the Lord, our posture must be one of expectation. The Light in us causes us to do that. Then the light from us causes others to see our posture.




The light from the disciples should first be evident in their hometown, Jerusalem. This indicates that our family is our first field of influence. Next, is our neighbors, as represented by Judah and Samaria. Those were either mountains or valleys in proximity to various cardinal points from Jerusalem.




Pointedly, no region was to be omitted. Lastly, the farthest parts of the earth should also be influenced. As we endeavor to run with the flame, we will encounter both valley and mountainous situations, but that is the reason that we have been told that we are light. A light is only as effective as its use. If our lamp is so dim that the it cannot even show us the way, the wick needs to be turned up, trimmed and given more Oil, Holy Spirit. He may adjust our wick when He sees flickering lights. Allow Holy Spirit to do His job as we shine for Jesus.




Family members, friends, neighbors, and missionaries are dependent on our light. What does it represent? Can it to be interpreted correctly by the way we speak, act, or participate in God’s plan? His heart- cry is that everyone should be saved. He has given us the tool whereby our light can be effective.




When there is a string of lights, one malfunctioning bulb may cause the circuit to be broken. Our brothers and sisters whose filament (perseverance) is waning, need our help to replace their bulb. It is necessary for us as either; streetlights, house lights, lamp lights, flashlights, candles or even as tiny as a firefly’s light, to see our mission as one that makes a difference in the blackness of the society.




Light the Lamps Up, Lamplighter! by Eleanor Farjeon



Light the lamps up, lamplighter,
The people are in the street
Without a light
They have no sight,
And where will they plant their feet?
Some will tread in the gutter
And some in the mud, oh dear!
Light the lamps up, lamplighter,
Because the night is here.




Let us see ourselves as carriers of the light, reflecting the Son. Therefore, it is our job to run with the flame.




Dr. O.A. James





As bearers of The Light, what are some things that may deter us from carrying the light?