Every word that we hear does not always come from the Lord, but Jeremiah has given us an account of one of the times when he heard from the Lord.

REFERENCE : Jeremiah 18:1-6( NKJV)

Jeremiah 18:1-6      1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying: 2 “Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.” 3 Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel.4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: 6 “O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter?” says the Lord. “Look, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand….”

1.    (v.3) Jeremiah saw the potter working at the wheel. A potter has the job of laboring at the wheel with one goal in mind: to produce desirable masterpieces that will bring him satisfaction, recognition, approbation and distinction. Jeremiah saw the potter being consistent at the wheel with one purpose in mind. His end product should be usable. The entire process entails shaping, restructuring, purging, heating, spinning and sometimes crushing and starting over. Each stage of the process causes discomfort.

We are God’s workmanship, created unto good works that He has before ordained that we should walk in them. God, The Master Potter desires that we should demonstrate His skill, character and craftsmanship. Can He brag on us? Our character should display the work of a mastermind. Does He know that we will be steadfast? He knew Job and bragged on him. We may say, “No Lord. Don’t display me like that.”

I remember a learning experience that my grandfather taught my cousin when I was about eight years old. She was intent on touching the lit end of his cigar. She would not be deterred. Finally, he quit pulling it away whenever she tried. That was the last time she attempted to touch it. On successive times when he had his lit cigar, no-one had to tell her not to touch it. Whether that was the right approach or not, I reserve my opinion. He is no longer here. At times we insist on doing our own thing in our own way and we suffer the consequence.

2.     (v. 4) How compliant are we? How admirable are we? How desirable are we? Jesus has invested a great deal in us. First of all, He gave His life that we might become His righteousness. What a sacrifice! He took the lashes on His back so that we are healed. Do you feel rejected? Jesus faced that too (Ps. 22:1), but He was thinking of us so He did not quit. Shall His agony and life be futile? Sometimes life gives us some lashes that flatten, stretch, bruise, humble and/or break us. It’s all in the pruning and shaping of character. Stand firm on your confession of faith, and if you have not yet confessed faith in Him, just ask Him right now to help you realize that He is in control of everything. Ask Him for the tenacity to endure hardship like a good soldier. Be determined to go through the process of being conformed to the image of His Dear Son

When we are dismayed, remember that the clay that was marred was still in the potter’s hand. He made it again. That remaking may have taken some demolishing, extracting pebbles, squeezing and some OUCH! That also happens when we experience the purging process. We often desire what seems or feels good to us, NOT necessarily what He knows is best for us.

3.    (4b) … as seemed good to the potter…. The consistency of clay in the potter’s hand, dictates that it is pliable. God wants us to be pliable. Resistance to His molding will result in our breaking even to the point of being shattered. Conforming to His plan yields a greater benefit in our walk with Christ. Far be it from being easy. However, the end product is for His honor and glory. He desires vessels of honor. While vessels are in the process of being made they are slapped, spun, trimmed, and placed in the fire. It was necessary to smooth jagged edges and/ or trim them. That hurts! Whom the Father loves He corrects. He treats us as His children. Just like our own children and their varied tendencies, we are prone to respond in our own stubborn way. God knows our propensities, therefore He knows how to pull our ear, prod us with the staff and get our attention. The fire causes us to run to Him for comfort and support. When we run to His word for encouragement it is a part of the refining process.

4.    (v.6) We are here compared to the house of Israel, God’s chosen. We call Him Lord, so let Him be. Allow Him to will and to work in us so that He can proudly display us before the Father. When the olive is pressed it produces oil. What a fragrance when the rose is crushed! He wants us to exude His beauty: His work of art. As we seek to reflect Him may our heart’s cry be, “I am yours, LORD. Produce a vessel of honor that brings You glory.” Let us exemplify Christ. Bring Him satisfaction, recognition, approbation and distinction as clay in the Potter’s hand.


1. Has there ever been a time when you said, “OK, Lord, this is too much for me”? What did you do then?

2. What is your opinion on what it takes to become a soldier of the cross?

Dr. O. A. James