GOD, THE JUST JUDGE, HEARS and ANSWERS PRAYER


REFERENCE:    LUKE 18:1-8 ( NKJV)    Then He spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, 2 saying: “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. 3 Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ 4 And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, 5 yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ “6 Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge said. 7 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? 8 I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”


1. Take note that the text begins with the consistency and importance of prayer. In this scripture, a judge brought resolution to an incident in a certain city. This arrogant, self-sufficient judge knew about the existence of God, but had no regard for Him. Incidentally, when we disregard God, it stands to reason, that we also disregard man: His creation, the work of God’s hand. The judge really did not want to be bothered with this unimportant woman. Nevertheless, she had faith in his judgment, was persistent, and ultimately got her need met.

She disregarded the odds that were against her: she was widowed and no doubt was at the advantage of her adversary. She needed help that surpassed her emotional and physical scope. The good thing is that she recognized that and went to the judge to plead her case. She said, “Avenge me of my adversary…”  She had only one adversary, but she found it necessary to go to the one who was in charge. Her encounter was one of persistence because we are told that the judge ignored her for a while. However, perseverance brought her desired results. To deter her from getting under his skin, he granted her request.

2. We don’t know for how long she had been widowed, but we know it was long enough for her to realize her inadequacy. At times we face situations in which only God can help us. Don’t worry! There is hope! To us, God says in Rom. 12:19, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay.” In verse five of today’s reading, the judge said, “… because this widow troubles me, I will avenge her…” When we take our concerns to the King of kings, He shows Himself strong and mighty. God is concerned with what concerns us so focus on Him, give thanks and sing praises. This confuses the enemy who would rather see us fearful, frustrated, anxious and depressed.

In Psalm 91:1 we are told that he who lives in God’s secret place shall have a sanctuary in the shadow of the Almighty. If all we do is just visit God every now and then, we will be estranged from Him. He wants us to take up rent-free residence in His presence. Since God has both jurisdiction and jurisprudence in every situation, we should not underestimate the power of prayer. How can we dwell in His secret place? We do so by communicating with Him. Take time to pray, seek His will and purpose, and read the scriptures. These activities foster a relationship with Him and we can make ourselves at home.

3. The woman’s identity was lost in the fact that she was a widow. We are not even given her name. Her new status was that of insignificance: a widow in a city. We have significance with God. Our identity is that we are God’s elect. (Psalm 56:8) “God shall avenge His own elect that cries to Him day and night.” The widow troubled the judge. When was the last time you troubled the King?  Can God say that you have troubled Him? He does not get weary. He loves us and when we fully grasp that concept we will accept the fact that He has our best interest at heart. He is sensitive to our desperation, but HE cannot get desperate. His desire is that we have confidence in what He is doing because He knows the outcome. He is omniscient.

4. God hears our pleas and most of all faith pleases Him. If the unjust judge was moved by the widow’s persistence, how much more is God touched with our tenacity? He says we are always to pray, be steadfast and walk in faith.  Have you ever stopped to think that we have an audience with the most High God? We could ask for no other advocate than His Son, Jesus. So, what did you say you are worried about? Count it a privilege to be heard by God.

In Luke 7:6-10 the centurion’s servant was sick. The centurion was humbled at the thought of Jesus entering his house, so he asked Him to speak the word. He believed in the power of the spoken word, even from a distance. One thing we do know is that there is no distance in prayer. Send words to the Father. It is the mightiest weapon that we have at our disposal.

5. When we put the key in the ignition of a car, nothing happens until we turn the key. The engine then starts and the car can be put in gear. The connection is made and we can go places. Faith is the key that we must activate in making our request known to God, who will in turn send ministering spirits to do His bidding. We can soar to spiritual realms, knowing that the Just Judge is moved by the verbalization of our needs. Exercise that franchise and see what God will do. After all, He is ready to work for us, but we must set His hand in motion.

In Ps. 56:8; Is. 38:5; Rev. 7:17 we are told that God bottles up our tears and will answer us and wipe them away. Are we desperate enough to cry to God or is your bottle empty?  He knows and will supply our needs. He loves us with an everlasting love. Don’t doubt! Prayer miraculously changes the atmosphere around us.  He is  Lord, Everlasting God, Creator, Healer, Helper, Strong Tower, Fortress, Shield and Refuge. Think about it, this God, the Just Judge, is our Father. For our example, Jesus took time out to pray. We are to follow suit.

6. Pray for yourself, family and friends, but most of all pray for your enemies. Pray for our leaders. Pray for our country. Pray that we do not enter into temptation. Pray for strength for the journey. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Pray for missionaries. Pray for grace for me, when you can’t think of anything else to pray. Note the repetition of the word pray. By now, its importance should be indelibly etched in the subconscious.

Shall we hurt His heart in failing to communicate with Him? The accuser and witnesses are also observed by the Judge, but He rules in our favor every time. Pray continually, but be careful what you ask for! Always seek His will when you pray. He will answer and show us great and mighty things. (Jeremiah  33:3)


Focus on a time when you made a request and got what you asked for. Did it bring you gladness or sadness to your heart? (Psalm 106:13-15)

Dr. O. A James